How does piggy make its cut scenes

So as the title says, i want to know how piggy and many other games makes cut scenes…
like how they make the characters move ect.
now im not those devs that needs scripts i can figure it out myself but i need help on doing so…
i might need help when i get errors/bugs though but besides from that there is no problem!
i need help on basically what major things ill need like functions ect. and how i can make it work
Thanks! -WhatDid_HeDo

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I am not sure what you mean without a video but I have seen my little brother play the game so I have a general idea. It seems they have multiple points and then interpolate or tween the camera to it. It is a pretty lazy method to say the least. If you want it to go in a certain path you could use like bezier curves or take an ellipse approach by abstracting from the unit circle

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ahhhh thanks! but i wonder… how do they make the characters move? do they use animations and just play it cuz its hard to time it and a lot of errors might occur so i dont believe that thats the case…

Yea they just animate the humanoid model. It is the same process. You can time it by using like the alpha of the interpolation be like if alpha == 0.5 (half way) then → start looping animation

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ohhh that clears it thanks so much!