How does game verification work?

Hi, I’m DevMagery and I’m trying to make an advanced verification system for a server that also has the option of verification by game, however, I don’t know how it works. I only know how to make normal verification with a description change. If you have made this before do you think you can explain it? I’m really curious as to how to connect a discord bot to a Roblox game with

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I don’t really recommend this method, but maybe something like this could work

You could have a table with names in, can be removed after a time limit/verification completed

Roblox code:

  local Data = {
   ["content"] = Player.Name
  Data = HttpService:JSONEncode(Data)
  HttpService:PostAsync("DiscordWebhook", Data)

import discord

client = discord.Client()

verifTable = ['names']

async def on_message(msg):
  if == client.user:
  if msg.content in verifTable:
     -- verify
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I wanted something that was like Bloxlink’s verification by game.

I’m not sure how Bloxlink verifies, but this is a simple way of doing it. Basically a webhook would post the name of the player being verified in a discord server when they join and the bot compares it against a table of names it already has. You could also have them type in their discord username, and use that instead of their roblox one.

Not the most efficient way, but I can see it working. Thanks.

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I could use an ID to my advantage. It should be a good system, thanks. I’ll use this for now and maybe find something more efficient later.

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They host their servers and send requests from the Roblox game server. Since you are using python, you could use flask and to achieve it.