How does Roblox handle server creation and player assignment?

First of all, let me say, I am new to Roblox development. I still have lot of questions regarding how servers are spun up - players are assigned - etc.

This being said, I originally started this post to ask if I should create a lobby for my game. I’m not sure if a lobby is needed for my game or not. Right now in my game there are 8 plots of land, each belongs to a team. When a player joins they are randomly assigned to a plot until there are none left. If there are 8 players does Roblox auto create a new server for player #9? If so, I might not necessarily need a lobby.

But, if this is all stuff I have to code myself then I may let players choose their team color themselves and I can just place them in the first server with that color/team available.

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Roblox automatically handles Server creation and matchmaking. You can’t create public Servers directly. In this case, if your game had 8 players playing, all in one server, with the maximum per Server being 8, and a 9th player hit the Play button, they would be put in a completely new Server to comply with the 8 player limit.

Usually, there are several other factors at play instead of just whether a Server is full, such as Ping and whether they have a friend or blocked a person in a Server. For this reason, Servers are rarely at maximum capacity.

Cool, that’s good to know. Is there any documentation on all this or somewhere I can get info about how to manage my game once I go live? I’ve put a lot of time into my game and I feel like I’m about to lose control over it, or not know how to handle issues once it goes live. Thanks Oreo.

Fun fact, you are able to customize how Roblox fills up your servers in the place access settings. Social slots allows Roblox to reserve x amount of players in a game server for other people to be able to join their friends. This is usually done on hangout or highly social places where you may often find people joining each other to be on the same server. By default, Roblox tries to fill up servers first before creating new ones but you are able to modify this behavior.

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I am aware of this, but I didn’t think it would be that useful for OP. Thanks for explaining anyway

I’m not entirely sure what you mean, the algorithm they use isn’t documented to my knowledge. It simply prevents someone from joining a full Server and getting stuck in a queue, and seems to prefer Servers that already have people in them, even if it means higher ping.

Are you thinking of something specific? Like, for example, pushing updates? Generally, you should be able to find what you’re looking for by searching for it, there have been a lot of people before you. Also, the Documentation site seems to not be coming up in Google and other search engines due to a bug, you should use the search feature specific to that too.

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