I’m simply looking for and explanation of Roblox’s marketplace fee, as well as how the system calculates your earnings each time a product is bought.
Looking for answers for both normal purchases (30% fee) and purchases through foreign games (40% fee, such as PLS DONATE)
I’m confused to how Roblox calculates the earnings because of the following:
3 robux gamepass bought under normal circumstances: user should earn 2$
3*0.7 = 2.1
2.1 floored is 2
3 robux gamepass bought in other games: user should earn 1$
1.8 floored is 1, however, the user still earns 2.
My first guess was that instead of flooring, the game would round the number. But then, when a user sells a gamepass for 1 robux, instead of earning 1, they earn 0.
0.7 rounded is 1 but user earns 0 for some reason.
0.6 rounded is 1, but user earns 0 for some reason.