Hello! I just wished to know how does the animate script knows when to change from walk to running animation since I edited the default ControlModule so the character doesn’t accelerate instantly, you, of course, can see the walk animation, so I looked up the Animate script to see if I could tweak this, but I’m not able to find where does this happen.
a parameter in the Humanoid.Running
event says how fast the player is moving. The script uses it to play walk/running/idle animation(s)
I’m aware that it uses the .Running event, tho it only uses it to determine if the player is idle or walking, then it plays the walk animation
yes, and it blends the walking animation with the running depending on how fast the player is running
I’m not able to find where it blends according to player velocity.
Looks like the function on line 370 may be what you’re wanting.
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