Hello there!
For a long time, I’ve been trying to figure out how to make things like Duo Kill Animations, as in linked death animations when a player kills another player.
(If you don’t get what I mean, I would try getting killed in Lightsaber Battlegrounds)
And I’ve stumbled upon the “Creator” variable that supposedly is located in the Humanoid, and I believe that variable is the key to completing what I want to do.
However, I have no recognition of how that variable works whatsoever. All I know is it’s used for things like cash on kill scripts.
If anyone could further explain the creator variable to me, that would be helpful. Thank you!
The creator variable is basically an ObjectValue that is added in whoever you attack that stores the player instance of the attacker, so when you die, it’ll check if you have a Creator ObjectValue inside your humanoid and do something with the value. This is how you are able to tell if someone died cause of someone else or a reset, because of that creator value
A good example of understanding these is to check out the Linked Sword gear as that, from my records, has Humanoid tagging which does what you’re asking for
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So, would the creator variable only work if the weapon being used has a Humanoid tagging system?
Thanks for your reply!
Anything will work as long as during the attack it tags the humanoid with a creator ObjectValue, again, the Linked Sword should have an example of how you do this. I forgot to mention but the tag is removed a very very short while after tagging them as to not cause issues and what not so it will only work as soon as you get hit and the hit kills you
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