Just asking this out of curiosity since the order of my flags being submitted, and being acted upon are really not adding up at the moment, so im curious as to why.
As you can see a day ago now (almost 2) I submitted a few flags:
Where the latest 2 flags were acted upon while the rest seemingly ignored.
In conclusion i’m wondering what determines the order in which DET goes through flags, and if there is a reasonable amount of time before I can expect them to be processed before considering them ignored.
I believe a few hours or so. The queue is reviewed by the forum staff and they have to send you a message first once one of the staff members see it. It does take some time for them to fully “catch up” with your flags and decide if they want to keep the message you reported or not. Please have patience when it comes to this because it doesn’t automatically inform you when they reviewed your flag.
I know, im just curious as to why DET deals with flags made a few hours ago before flags made a few days ago, it doesn’t make much logical sense to me.