How does this Dune Buggy Look? PS Its a Start Its not fully done

This is a Car Im working Making fully Custom parts. Mainly A lot of unions are going to be used In this one so its going to take longer for it to get precise. Some of the stuff on the Roven Rusted Go Kart (Roven is a company In my group). Its has so many concept parts made by yours truly to see what looks right. If you have any ideas please please leave it below.
The Go Kart:

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nice for a start, but instead of f3x running inside of roblox i recommend:

  1. Making a mesh in blender (many tutorials online and DO NOT sub divivde it alot. keep a max of 1000 vertices.)

  2. export as obj.

  3. Head into roblox and place a MeshPart, in properties Head to MeshId>File Icon then select the mesh obj

  4. Scripting! you probably know how to do this and its the basics of all game making, further more dont forget to add the wheels!

but hey, thats just what i do when i want to add a detailed Weapon, Tool or even vehicle into my game.

Also i find f3x to be very buggy and i do not use it.

But nice work! Its not half bad.


Just started blender so Next car well be from there