How does this illusion work

Many roblox players have played a game like DOORS While playing, I noticed an interesting illusion: this is an eye that always looks at the player, regardless of his location. I was wondering, I’ll explain to you how it works

As I said earlier, the eye looks at the screen regardless of the location and angle at which the player looks at the eye

Here we see that the eye is far away from the viewer, but still the eye maintains eye contact

How it works:

This is how this illusion looks in the section
Green Neon - eyeball

From the pictures above, you can understand how this illusion works

How to build:

It is not difficult to understand what is in the screenshot, we can say that everyone will be able to recreate it: stretch the usual ball on the sides, make it negative, and then everything seems to be clear


I thought they just used a follow Head script lol
something like this script
Head Follow Cursor - Creator Marketplace (

Well said. Neon parts can also help with the depth illusion because of the glow. (White Part from the images).