Hey! I’ve recently started learning blender and getting better, and I’m focusing on getting very good. Please rate this axe I made with some help from a tutorial as I’m only 3 days in, give me honest feedback please! I appreciate the replies.
looks gorgeous!
30 chars
Nice looks cool! Maybe a little more textures but shows promise!
Looks amazing! Wouldn’t change a thing, I could see this in Vesteria or some other adventure/survival game.
Looks pretty good. Has some detail!
Very nice 9/10
Good details
9/10. Try adding some texture for the handle part, I think that would look little better.
It looks pretty decent, you wouldn’t want to go too overboard with this especially if your goal is low poly. The design is simplistic enough, and for the handle, I think you should use a long smooth cube instead of 8 sided cylinders, the cylinders just looks too detailed and ruins the low poly aesthetic, switching it might also improve the design of the axe. Always look out for inconsistencies in your model.
alright, I’ll do that! 30 chars
It looks good I think the red and brown could be a little bit darker.
Looks amazing.
30 chars
Looks great, but I would not recommend having those chips on the blade of the axe, because it looks as if it has been chiped off after the first try of using though.
Consider fixing those holes, but if this a beginner version type of an axe, add textures on the side of the blade, a little rusty and small tiny cracks and scars maybe, will work.
Hmm its really good I would give a 9 of 10 cause its too edgy abit the rest is perfect
Try using auto smooth, creates a nice smooth feel.
This is amazing! 10/10, great job!
Looks amazing! I’d hire you. But it’s against terms to ask for a rating on an post. It’s fine to ask for feedback though.
it looks really cool! 10/10 30chars
Looks Really great. Nice and irregular and with a wedge head.
Isn’t that by BLENDER FORBEG? I really like him, he helped me learn bender too.
WOW, looks great! I love the little indention on the blade! 10/10