I’m trying to find a way to import alot of decals, it cannot be done locally, I want everyone to see the decals, here is the current method i’m thinking of:
FBX files accept meshes which then go through Roblox’s Mesh Importer, not decals. If you are trying to drag and drop decals they have to be an accepted image format (PNG, JPEG, etc)
If you are wanting to import decals to use in your game you have to pass them through Roblox itself, there is no way for you to use local images from your machine on the website.
You can refer to this forum post if you are wanting to use client-Studio only images, ported from your machine:
Awwww man and yet I was hoping to find something that imports decals that everyone can see, any idea how to import decals directly into workspace without having to right click and clicking insert with bulk import or just a command that will insert all files from bulk import into workspace? Since its gonna be a tremendous ammount of decals.
(Sorry for going off topic but this is the thing i’m looking for.)
Anyway, you’ll want to look into PromptImportFile and PromptImportFiles from StudioService
-- This code asks the user to import a PNG or JPG and creates a decal
local files = StudioService:PromptImportFiles {"png", "jpg"}
for _, v in files do
local decal = Instance.new("Decal")
decal.Texture = v:GetTemporaryId()
decal.Name = v.Name
decal.Parent = workspace
If you want to import files regardless of extension, use the extension "*" which acts as a wild card for “all files”. Files imported like this can only be seen on your side since the temporary assets aren’t uploaded to Roblox.