How does this welcome GUI for my game look?

This GUI is going to be shown while the game is loading (via ReplicatedFirst) and while the player spawns. The GUI functions to show the player a brief overview of the game, how to play, recent updates, a couple useful game passes to buy, associated games, etc. before the player closes the GUI and picks a team to play as in my game.

“Press RT to Play” will only be shown for Xbox players, and when the game is loading, "Click to Play will be replaced with “Loading…”

How does it look? How can I improve it?

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There is way too many things on screen on the same time. Simplify the UI so it looks less crowded.

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What should be removed/tips on simplifying/merging things?

I might just put the teleport to x games somewhere in the scrolling frame, and just make it bigger.

I suggest showing the game in the background (fiddle with player camera and blur background) and remove the current image. It should look a lot better afterwards.

Ok so first: the images on the corners are very blurry and don’t look the best. Also it is very crowded on the screen, and to make it look better I would just test getting rid of the images in the corners. Then after you do that you can move the “click to play old” and the “click to play sequel” boxes to the bottom corners. Then it’ll look less crowded and a lot better.


Looks pretty good I don’t really like the black scrollbar and the yellow background colour, they don’t really fit well together. You might want to also enable it after they press rt to play or whatever instead of the start screen in because there is a lot of stuff on the start screen and its gonna make it even more messy. You also might want to remove the black border lines since they don’t look that nice.

This is my updated product.

I’m thinking of scrapping the background image, keeping the frames, and making the GUI appear when you spawn at the team you picked. You would then close it and it would never appear after that.

i.e., you’d spawn at your team and see this once before you closed it

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Maybe make a tutorial while the player starts playing, I know myself that I won’t be reading when I play a game for the first time, I will just want to learn as I go, maybe make a tutorial around that which rewards a player with completing it

It isn’t very appealing to the eyes. I would suggest that you don’t make the scrolling frame transparent and that you try and pick a color scheme to make everything pop out more and match.

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I would recommend having a logo of some sort in the middle instead of all the writing. Yes it is important but to make it visually appealing I would scrap the whole scrolling GUI and just make a cool logo and put it there. And for the background I recommend having a view of the map and having the camera move around. That would be very cool. And I like the start button and also the top right, those can stay. You could also include a “v.x.x” thing on the bottom left, like the thing that says what version it is. That would be a good add. Very small, but just adds some nice visual.

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