So, TSB (The Strongest Battlegrounds) has a badge that players can obtain around every 15 minutes in a private or public server. This being an orb that when touched by a player, awards a badge. The orb only spawns every 15 minutes and in a different location each time. My guess is that they use parts in Workspace that the orb randomly can fall and crash near. If you would like to see this in action, you can click here to create a private server and spawn the orb after waiting.
(A picture of the chained key orb when it falls from the sky and crashes.)
(This is my orb. I know it looks awful, but this is just a placeholder lol. I made this in 5 seconds.)
How would I replicate this? I’m still a beginner and this is pretty hard.
I would really appreciate your suggestions and scripts, as I think this would be a really cool addition for my game.
TSB uses TweenService to make the orb drop from the sky in a smoother manner. I suggest you to read the documentation on that before continuing!
Considering that you have created a folder with possible spawn point for this orb, I’ll just help write the skeleton of this system:
local spawnLocations = workspace.SpawnLocations -- Replace with your own folder
local previousSpawnPoint
local orb = game.ServerStorage.Orb -- I'm assuming you keep the orb part in ServerStorage. Feel free to change this!
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local tweenInfo = -- You can customise this, but I'll leave this blank for now
while true do
task.wait(15 * 60) -- Waits 15 minutes
local chosenSpawn = spawnLocations:GetChildren[math.random(1, #spawnLocations:GetChildren())] -- :GetChildren returns a table, so what we're doing is selecting a random index from the returned table, using math.random
-- #spawnLocations:GetChildren() simply gets the number of values in the table spawnLocations:GetChildren()
if previousSpawn ~= nil and previousSpawn == chosenSpawn then -- This checks if the selected spawn has been previously selected before, and selects a new spawn if so
chosenSpawn = spawnLocations:GetChildren[math.random(1, #spawnLocations:GetChildren())]
until chosenSpawn ~= previousSpawn
previousSpawn = chosenSpawn
local orbClone = orb:Clone
orbClone.Parent = workspace
orbClone.Position = chosenSpawn.Position +, chosenSpawn.Position.Y + 20, 0) -- Simply sets the cloned orb to the position of the chosenSpawn, but 20 studs offsetted from the ground.
tweenService:Create(orbClone, tweenInfo, {
Position = chosenSpawn.Position}):Play() -- Tweens the orb up from the sky to its spawn point.
Well, if you want to keep the 15 minute intervals, then you would have something like this:
local badgeId = --your badge id here
while true do
local NewMeteor = game.ServerStorage.YourMetorHere:Clone() --have your meteor in server storage
--code to tween it
plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(otherpart:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model").Name)
if not plr then return end
game:GetService("BadgeService"):AwardBadge(plr.UserId, badgeId)
Hey @HelpSupport01, sorry for the super late reply. I kinda fell asleep. But if I wanted to award the player a badge when they touch it, would I just include that badge award script that @The_DuckDeveloper made, and include that script inside the one you made? Or would I make a “badge award on touch” script that will go inside the orb in ServerStorage.
Arguably you could probably separate the code for spawning a meteor and the actual loop itself for readability.
-- Services
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
-- Instances
local CrashSpots = workspace:FindFirstChild("CrashSpots") -- Folder containing parts
local Meteor = ServerStorage:FindFirstChild("Meteor") -- Your original meteor is here.
-- Variables
local badgeId = 0000000 -- Your Badge ID goes here.
-- Functions
local lastSpot = nil
local function GetRandomCrashSpot() : Part
local Spots = CrashSpots:GetChildren() -- Returns a list of the parts underneath the "CrashSpots" folder.
-- Check for a potential spot to spawn the meteor.
while true do
local PotentialSpot = Spots[math.random(1,#Spots)]
if PotentialSpot == lastSpot then continue end -- Do not pick the same spot twice in a row.
lastSpot = PotentialSpot
return PotentialSpot
local function SpawnMeteor() : never
-- Clones the original meteor.
local NewMeteor = Meteor:Clone()
-- Connects a function to the "Touched" signal of the Meteor. Awards the player a badge upon contact with the meteor.
NewMeteor.Touched:Connect(function(Part : Part)
local Player = Players:FindFirstChild(Part:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model").Name)
if not Player then return end
BadgeService:AwardBadge(Player.UserId, badgeId)
-- Moves the Meteor to the workspace so it can be seen.
NewMeteor.Parent = workspace
local RandomSpot = GetRandomCrashSpot()
-- TODO: Insert the tween animation code here.
-- Code Execution
while true do
Thank you for that. I will try your guy’s suggestions soon. However, I would like it so only one player could get the badge, so it’s kind of a race to see who can get it.