How does UI development work?

I am a bit confused about the process UI designing. I have designed a user interface on Adobe XD, now do I need to send this in a picture format to a scripter to do the job or is scripting the UI a part of the process? Can someone explain the process please?

well theres people that can do uis and theres people that can script uis. sometimes people can do both or just one. usually you would send a picture of the ui to the ui maker and they could make it in studio

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Thanks, also which would get paid more the ui maker or the ui designer?

I have no clue honestly, I just script and haven’t really owned a group to know

The UI designer would get paid. Let say you made a UI and you send it to the man for his game you don’t script but he doe’s you would get paid because you made the UI design,

Answer UI designer :wink:

That’s a was a good question.

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The people who make UI in studio should get payed less then those who work in an Adobe Software making vector images and etc.since its way harder.

Think of it in terms of web development vs web design. Often a web designer will go ahead and make mock-ups of a site in something like photoshop and or other designer programs. They will then send it to a developer to turn it into a site often using HTML and making it functional using something like javascript. Same applies here, you could design a UI in a third-party program and then send it to someone who will turn it into a functional roblox UI. Regarding who should get paid more, that kinda depends on what was done, sometimes designing a UI is alot easier than turning it into a functional one in studio. Sometimes its the other way. Someone could spend 5 hours making a simple UI in studio and someone could spend 5 hours making a vector image in illustrator. The UI in this case would have alot more value to you.