How Exactly Does One Use SetDesiredAngle

Motor.SetDesiredAngle Method doesn’t really have any explanation whatsoever on the Wiki page nor did I find any info about it here.

Since it accepts a float, how exactly do I use it doesn’t make a lot of sense for a Joint that manipulates CFrame

It doesnt really have a practical use, just set the C0 or C1

That’s not what I expected nor the Wiki page shows that Mortor6D has C0 and C1 property

The earliest I’ve known of DesiredAngle being used is within the legacy character animation script before the advent of using animation objects to animate characters. DesiredAngle would be set for various aniamtion types, which then the motor would apply a certain velocity until the CurrentAngle matched the DesiredAngle.

DesiredAngle is basically a way to specify what angle a motor should reach, hence DesiredAngle.

It does. DesiredAngles are for motors specifically. C0 and C1 are CFrame offsets for attached parts, while angle serves a different purpose - to turn a motor a certain way.

A more modern version of this exists, which are constraint-based Torques. They rely on vector forces to rotate rather than a specific angle. Through using torques, you’re technically using angles of motors.

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