The title says it all, I want to make a car like jailbreak’s, with suspension, drifting, acceleration, the whole lot.
I know already that there’s a way to do it purely by script and bodythrust, but i’m not sure where i would start and if this is even the way to do it.
Would i have to constantly update the cars’ suspension with a loop (this could be intensive if there’s 20 people each with their own car) or is there a workaround?
Any articles / information containing formulas / methods on making cars is helpful also. Thank you
EDIT: I’ve found a formula for the suspension, I am applying this force to individual BodyForces within the wheels and chassis:
local CarWheels = {
local d = 3.5
local a = 1.8 --Stiffness, higher means higher height at suspension
local b = 0.6 --Rigidity higher means the suspensions will get less effected by slight changes and will balance out unlike Roblox's suspensions. This is the part that dampens the suspension.
local ST = {dx=0,d2x=0} --For storing the derivatives per suspension
local Car = script.Parent.Chassis
while wait() do --For every suspension, in this case 4 of them
for _, Wheel in pairs(CarWheels) do
local x = d - 3 --X is how much the suspension is contracted
local f = a*x + b*(x-ST.dx) + b/2*(x-ST.d2x) --Use the equation
ST.d2x = ST.dx --Store the past values
ST.dx = x
Car.Suspension.Force =,f,0) --Apply the forces
Wheel.Suspension.Force =,-f,0)