How famous Roblox developers learn to make Roblox games

Hi, I was wondering how does developers like berezaa and badcc learn to make mind blowing Roblox games…

People say they use Youtube videos as their resource to learn, and so on…

Can you tell me how it was possible?:+1:


Once you learn scripting for a long time when you type the coding just comes out, and I would suggest watching alvinblox on YT for great tutorials


Alvinbloxx is good, however PeasFactory was much more helpful to me.


Well, all it takes is experience in practice. You can’t just hop into Studio for the first time knowing everything. It usually takes time. They’ve been doing this for years. I would suggest take an hour or two a day to sit down and great a miniature project. This will focus on the parts you’re incapable of using fluently and will benefit you.


I seriously doubt they use YouTube videos.
Once you reach a certain level YouTube videos aren’t very helpful. Even I mainly user the Developer Hub (here).

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They took the time and learned their specialty to the best of their ability, and then used their specialty to create the games you see today on the front page. This wasn’t done through a single series of youtube videos, or tutorials, but was accumulative of years of experience in what they loved doing. Making a front page game, especially in 2020 is not an easy task, and like many triple A (AAA) games, will probably take years.

Now, don’t get me wrong, the youtube videos & online tutorials probably helped them get started, but at a certain point, your knowledge goes above what the tutorials can cover, and you then have to learn yourself using things like the devforum, and projects.

Hope my response helped answer your question!


Like most have already said, YouTube videos (for beginners) and the Developer Hub.

A good YouTuber is AlvinBlox which was already said, and TheDevKing.

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Practice makes perfect - The more you challenge yourself to make more challenging mechanics, functions and algorithms the more you will learn on the way. The developer forum is also an amazing resource for getting people to find flaws in your code and offer better replacements.

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Most of the people you mention are aged 18+ and have been around for a long while doing various projects and practice, either on that account or on another account. Very rare for anyone’s first game to be a success without experience either on Roblox or elsewhere in game development.

It’s a combination of skill and creativity, the former you can practice (a lot) and the latter you can get inspiration for by playing a lot of games and finding a gap in the market to fill.


I completely agree, each different aspect of development requires a different mindset/skill, for example designing UI might be something artists find more interesting rather than animating. And those skills take time to develop and build on to improve.

Hi, I have been very interested in becoming a scripter for the past year or so. I know some of the basics, but I am only interested in making certain scripts, and things. YouTube videos don’t necessarily provide for those needs, they mostly cover the beginners knowledge on how to get around. Unless… You try really hard and search around. Same thing as @NeonD00m, and @IAmPinleon said.

It just takes experience and dedication working on the past knowledge that they have.

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Well when im learning PeasFactory is a little you know old.

I agree to your tip, in reality, I can kinda understand certain scripting tutorials by AlvinBlox, like for example,Checkpoints System and DataStore Tutorial.

And, I really love all of the scripting tutorials by TheDevKing himself. Its really easy to learn how to script for beginners.

So, thanks! It helps…:+1:

Old tutorials, maybe. But not much has changed. I used his videos about 2 months ago, and not much was different from the videos

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