How fast is the player in walkspeed?

I’m curious to how fast the player is in walkspeed. I’ve found out that 6.61 studs, into the walkspeed bar in settings is 1 meter on the jump distance. Is this the same for walkspeed, meaning that walkspeed and jump distance are the same?

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Default walkspeed is 16, you can find this on the humanoid of a character.

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WalkSpeed is measured in studs, the character runs at 16 per second by default.

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Yeah, I know. But what is the walkspeed in m/s? Trying to win an arguement here on discord.

16 studs/s = 5.3*m/s cuz a meter is equal to 3 studs

I guess so. 30 character mark.

That’s according to what the walkspeed is, in actuality they would walk much slower if they walked the average human speed