I Already created a server script wich is connect onTouch Function, so basically when the hammer touches another player an action must be performed.
What I ask is that I want to use one of those two objects mentioned in the title to make it go up and push it to a random side, without throwing it off the map
Create a new LinearVelocity Instance, make its max force math.huge and randomise the VelocityForce’s x and z axis between -1000 and 1000.
If you don’t want to throw something off the map like you said, maybe do something a bit more tame like -100 to 100. For the y axis, I’d recommend randomising between 50 and 100.
Each instance you want to do this on will need an attachment as well for the Attachment0 property on the LinearVelocity.
If the Instance doesn’t have an attachment, just create one and destroy it when you’re done. For players, prefer the RootRigAttachment in the Character’s HumanoidRootPart.
Destroy the LinearVelocity Instance after .1 seconds using the Debris service and then gravity will do the rest.