I’ve always had ambitions to make a Real Life Simulator on Roblox. The only person that I’ve seen with characters this realistic is Tomarty. Anyways, how hard would it be to implement it into Roblox?
Here’s what I mean^
You would have to rig it up with a rig editor, and then animate it.
It depends on what your definition of “realistic” means because fidelity varies greatly. The rig is fine but that could be made with 5,000 tris or 50,000.
There’s also the whole restriction of uploading textures, which can’t be higher than 1024x1024 - hardly considered “realistic” by many. Not to mention the fact that PBR isn’t enabled yet, so even if you could upload a 4k texture, it wouldn’t look entirely real.
Roblox isn’t really the place for realism - rather industry standard realism, that is. You should focus more on accessibility, which usually tends to be much more successful and important for games than any level of realism
The model is not the hard part, that would be making the animation looking even remotely realistic
It would be hard to put a realistic character in roblox, due to the current limitations.
You most likely need to wait till the update that comes with mesh deformation is here, which certainly wont come this month and i doubt next month.
it would have to be a fairly low poly character model considering roblox’s max triangle count per mesh.
This is what i do for more realistic models though.
1). find a Character model, or have someone make one.
2). split the model into separate meshes in blender
3). piece it together in studio
4). use RigEditor plugin in studio to rig the model with Motor6D joints
5). animate using Roblox animator.
hardest part about the whole process, is properly texturing your character and getting the Motor6D hierarchy correct for the rig. (depending on what type of rig your making)
ALSO without mesh deformation its really hard to get rid of gaps that are in-between the models BodyParts when animating, all of your models will really just end up looking like toy dolls until mesh deformation is released.