This includes voice clips of former Presidents. Obviously, Roblox does not allow depictions of “recent, previously-elected, officials in their official capacity”. So my question is:
How historic does a President have to be before I can quote them? Is Obama too recent? W.? Clinton? H.W.?
Where is the safe line for former American Presidents?
Theoritically, a historic president would be H.W Bush (1989-1993) so this would be your safe pick, same goes for Clinton.
But I would suggest to try a different approach for this type of situation since ROBLOX has zero (and I mean it, ZERO) tolerance against political stuff in their platform (even more now with an AI System which tracks it down), you could try to make it seem more of a parody or satireish approach of said presidents but I am not too sure if ROBLOX would even permit it so.