How I Can Fix Chat Tag and Color

I am Trying To Make Chat Tag and Color Only For Owner and Some Other Peoples

System Is Working Perfect Buts Its Giving Chat Tag To Everyone I Want To Give Only some peoples

local Players = game:GetService('Players')
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')
local ChatS = require(ServerScriptService:WaitForChild('ChatServiceRunner'):WaitForChild('ChatService'))

	local Sp = ChatS:GetSpeaker(PlayerName)
	if PlayerName ==  "t4wkggw" or "fy4y43y" then
		Sp:SetExtraData('NameColor', Color3.fromRGB(math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)))
		Sp:SetExtraData('ChatColor', Color3.fromRGB(math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)))
		Sp:SetExtraData('Tags', {{TagText = "Youtuber", TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)}})
	elseif PlayerName == "gujjubhai94" then
		Sp:SetExtraData('NameColor', Color3.fromRGB(math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)))
		Sp:SetExtraData('ChatColor', Color3.fromRGB(math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)))
		Sp:SetExtraData('Tags', {{TagText = "Owner", TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 179, 0)}})

its now working perfectly its giving chat color and tag to everyone and also its not printing any error

if I add my name:-
if I not add my name:-

if you know what is problem with script pls tell me

This is not how you do selection statements.
You need to reference the variable in the other condition, e.g.
PlayerName == "xyz" or PlayerName == "abc"

So in your case:

if PlayerName == "t4wkggw" or PlayerName == "fy4y43y" then
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