robloxapp-20221020-1236566.wmv (239.7 KB)
Woah woah, describe it more detailed since we don’t know what you want to achieve. Like what do you need to fix and what is wrong?
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the bag direction
i dont know how i can do this but the bag in HandlePart like a tool
local Back = game.ReplicatedStorage.Satstm.Handle
local Give = game.Workspace.Map.RobbryPurpel.GiveItmes.ProximityPrompt
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character
local TextLabel = script.Parent.Frame.TextLabel
local Door = workspace.Map.RobbryPurpel["$$$"]
local PartBack = Give.Parent.Back
PartBack.Transparency = 1
script.Parent.Enabled = true
local BackClone = Back:Clone()
BackClone.Parent = Character
local Weld ="Weld",BackClone)
Weld.Part0 = BackClone
Weld.Part1 = Character.UpperTorso
Door.CanTouch = true
Door.CanCollide = false
Door.Transparency = 1
Give.Enabled = false
local Cahs = Player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")["$"]
script.Parent.Enabled = false
Give.Enabled = true
PartBack.Transparency = 0
Door.CanTouch = false
the local script
maybe that’s because you weld it to uppertorso and not to hand?
That’s when it got welded to a hand?
no in the torso but i need fix theOrientation
Then try to weld it to a hand and if its too high or too low try editing weld C0
i like it ty bro