Hello, guys. I’m making island. I wanted to make one big mountain to it, and ended up with this 333 meter mountain:
I think it’s boring and empty, so I want to ask you:
What I can do to make it better (In terms of smooth terrain)?
(Note: Trees, bushes are autogenerated, that’s why I’m asking about smooth terrain ideas only)
It almost looks too ‘perfect’.
I’d take a look at pictures of mountains and islands to see how actual terrain looks in real life. You will see there is a pretty wide variety of lumps, bumps, crevices, ridges and other features that will take time to model into your Terrain.
In truth with Terrian I usually just do really rough broad strokes with the tools at large values freehand until I like the basic shape of what I’ve done, then go back with the tools set to smaller values to make the surface more realistic.