How i can make good item icons for inventory?

Hi, soo few days ago i started to script gui, and i decided to make icons and design as well as scripting, i started to learn pixel art, but now i have problem, i want to make inventory system with a lot of items, this mean a lot of icons of them, and i don’t want to use 3D models, but more like 2D icons

My question is which style i should try, i don’t know styles apart of vievporting and pixel arts soo yea, give me some ideas

the style of icons that you can make is endless! Though it mainly depends on the type of game you’re making i.e. (bubbly tycoon/obby, vengeful fps shooter).

You can try to find inspiration based on other creators, remember to ensure you aren’t stealing anything!

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the problem is i can’t find any inspiration among other creators, they often make simple vievport frame of mesh or they dowload premade assets, i want to know styles, some examples

You could try Animal Crossing: New Horizon’s style… well be sure your game style will fit these kind of icons;


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it’s pretty nice, i’ll check this out

I can get from internet images when i need some icon, and if i want i can just customize the icon from the internet

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