How I can make it that I fall little slowly then normal? (bodyForce)

Hi, I wanna make it fall little more slowly then the normaly gravity fall, but I can’t find the right numbers somehow when I jump in its so fast after 1 sec

script.Parent.Transparency = 1
parent = script.Parent

function onTouch(hit)
	local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if humanoid then
		local character = hit.Parent
		local HumanoidRootPart = character.HumanoidRootPart
		if not HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("NoGrav") then
			local bv ="BodyForce")
			bv.Name = "NoGrav"
			bv.Force =,-20,0)* -workspace.Gravity/100
			bv.Parent = HumanoidRootPart
			character.Animate.fall.FallAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://9994619922"
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why not just change the gravity to be less when you touch the part

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I did it with the script but somehow , its not getting so slow, if you say it so easy maybe give me the numbers

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