Hi, im doing a game about my local subway system (metrorrey)
and i have an issue on the game
when trains are spawned and player seats on the vehicle seat
it lags a bit the game
is there any solution to this?
i would love to have a fix about this
Hi, im doing a game about my local subway system (metrorrey)
and i have an issue on the game
when trains are spawned and player seats on the vehicle seat
it lags a bit the game
is there any solution to this?
i would love to have a fix about this
i think we need more information of how and what the lag is
can you post screen captured video to show when the player on train?
also screencap the Performance stat so we know the CPU/GPU/Sent/Receives etc.
when i get in vehicleseat and start driving it kinda lags
in this image there is like 3 trains spawned
the CPU takes much time. can you check which scripts are running slow ?
idk but it shows this
try Dev Console < Scripts
yes, check this when you were on the vehicle seat