KDR is Kills/Deaths but if KDR 0.1 or 0.1291823 OrderedDataStore Dont Accept double numbers ?
if we only do value*(10^10) not correct because maybe number is 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 (= 1e-53)
so how we can make perfect KDR LeaderBoard system?
its not LeaderStat its LeaderBoard we using OrderedDataStore
Step 1) Get the KDR value into a number value.
Step 2) Like you mentioned, use an OrderedDataStore.
There are good resources on youtube for this, and I strongly suggest you take a look at the wiki page for OrderedDataStores.
To handle numbers that are too low, you can always round. Just multiply your number by something like 10^15
and then divide by that same number when displaying to get the original. You don’t need perfect precision as those numbers wouldn’t fit on the board anyways.