How I can not lose image quality?

Every time I upload an image for my UIs lose quality. How can I fix that? help me : - (

From this.

To this.

I don’t if you can see it correctly but in studio the difference is really big.

I believe this is just a roblox compression issue, ensure your image is set to the correct proportions found in the properties tab in file explorer. As of right now, I have not found a work-around but I’ll let you knw if I find one!


Thank you, and yep, I use the correct proportions.

I’m not too sure what the issue is then. I myself have imported UI from Figma and everytime ROBLOX decides to compress the images.

Hopefully I assisted you, to the best of my ability!

I use Figma too, can you tell me how you export it from Figma? To see if I’m doing anything wrong

you can cut image into smaller parts and then put them together like a puzzle (only way i thought how fix it)

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Group your objects all together, on the right hand side you’ll see the following.

Click the + icon next to the export text, then click the following button


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I exported in a single image to see how it losses quality.

Thanks, really appreciate. (and some word to complete the minimum)

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so you compress all the elements into a single image… and the upload it? That might be your problem…

The max image resolution is 1024*1024 (it can be higher in some cases)

The image you posted first is 2758*1636 wihch is over that limit so yeah, its getting compressed. Try splitting the image up into 4 smaller images.