How I Can Remove Game Name & Icon in Selfie Mod[Not Solved]

How I Can Remove Game Name & Roblox Icon in Selfie Mod(Dev Module)

Just copy and paste the green background on the text since its all the same colour or crop the image to remove it

i am making game
i need to remove Watermark(gamename/robloxicon)

I was trying to remove the game name and poked around at the module. It uses ScreenshotHud to display the game name, so you can simply create a LocalScript inside StarterPlayerScripts named “ConfigureSelfieMode” with this to hide it:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SelfieMode = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SelfieMode"))

local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")
local ScreenshotHud = GuiService:FindFirstChild("ScreenshotHud") 

	if ScreenshotHud then
		ScreenshotHud.ExperienceNameOverlayEnabled = false

I’m not sure if the Roblox logo can be removed though