So i want to put a game and save is as rblx the open it in another account, how can i do it??
I put this in scripting support because i dont found what im searching, i searched in youtube and dev forum but dont found anything, somebody could help me?
Go on studio of the game you’re trying to save the RBLX file under, then once on studio simply open [File] in the top left corner, then click [Save As] save it on your desktop, then close studio, find your copy on your desktop, open it up, go back to [File] and [Publish As] your new game, or overwrite a current copy.
Hopefully this helps!.
Thanks, Opex.
Make sure you are saving it as a file and not saving to Roblox. When you save your place as a file, it will download an .rbxl file to your file manager. Saving to Roblox will override the studio save.
hmmm, i think its the roblox version or something like that…
The last option, “descargar una copia”, should give you the same result.
thx, i was thinking it was for opening proyects xd
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