How I learned to Script IN A MONTH - Tips & Tutorial


At first, learning how to code in roblox was very hard. I didn’t know where to start or what to even do.

I used to watch hours of roblox tutorials and think that I was understanding them but then when I try to do something, I don’t even know what to type out. But, this is all normal. Then, I would quit since I can’t learn anything and after a few weeks/months, would try again. And the cycle repeats. I never understood anything.

I then started following a book ([[Coding Roblox Games Made Easy]]) and while it did help me out a lot, it’s not what really forced me to learn.

When I actually started to begin to learn:

I actually started to learn when I did this:

  1. Discover what you can actually do with that skill you wanna learn.
    • For roblox coding, I could be able to create cool games with attacks, magic, horror, and etc. And my imagination and skill is the only one that would hinder me.
  2. Figure out what I wanted to do.
    • For example, I initially wanted to be able to create a button that will suddenly spawn a block in front of me.
    • Note: I didn’t do what someone or some book would want me to do but what I ACTUALLY WANT! I didn’t just follow a series/playlist like Episode 1: variables, Episode 2:Tables
  3. Search tutorials / resources and ACTUALLY FOLLOW
    • I would find tutorials on youtube, google, and follow them step-by-step.
    • As I’m doing it, I’m trying to understand what it means as well (but this would increase later on) and generally being observative.
    • And then I would be able to finish the tutorial
  4. Experiment
    • Try changing up the code a bit, maybe change some numbers. Remove some parts and see what would happen. Create comments on your observations and compare from what you initially thought they did when doing the tutorial.
  5. Apply On Your Own
    • After knowing what the code from the tutorial does, how about trying it by yourself and creating something on your own? Do it your way! How about if you touch the button, 3 parts will spawn one after another?

      And then you will have another thing to learn!

And you will essentially repeat this for bigger things.

Example would be creating a dropper for a tycoon. Droppers are parts that drop other parts in the conveyor and those parts turn into money.

You would need to learn these | Step 2 (what I want the dropper to do.):
1. Model the dropper
2. Make the dropper appear if they’re bought.
3. Make droppers drop parts
4. Make single script handle droppers to reduce lag
5. Parts disappear

Step 3 (After searching for resources and figuring out what to learn):
1. Learn Modeling
2. Learn TweenService for animating the entrance of droppers
3. Learn how to script the dropper, drops in the funnel (with colors, text, etc)
4. CollectionService and Tags (I just searched how to make single script handle multiple parts)
5. How to remove parts i.e., Debris Service


Learn to the problems, not the tools

Learn to the problems, not the tools.

  • Elon Musk

Instead of going to youtube and watching a series like:

  • Episode 1: Variables
  • Episode 2: Tables
  • Episode 3: Print()
    All of which are all tools for coding. It would be better if you first figure out what you wanna create or what problem you wanna solve.

Enjoyment Comes With Mastery

Enjoyment comes with mastery

  • Dr. Oakley Barbara

In the beginning, it is really going to be hard. You don’t understand stuff and you struggle. Let’s take learning to ride a bicycle, for example. At first it was hard just to remain upright. You crashed to the ground, and sometimes it hurt. Once you began to ride upright, then you had to learn how to not press the brakes too hard, and how to turn without falling. But once the initial, more difficult learning stage passed, you could just jump on the bike and ride. You became an expert. Fantastic!

This brings us to an important point. Sometimes you do not enjoy things because you have not yet mastered them. You’re still in the “how do I balance my bike?” early stages, where it all can seem very difficult.

Just start! The first steps are often the most difficult. Enjoy the process and wait for the results to come

Be Better Than Yesterday

Start documenting your progress and log in what you could and couldn’t do that day. Like in working out, last week you couldn’t carry the 45 lbs. This week, you tried them and succeeded. You don’t need to have a big jump, small & consistent progress is much better.

You could see improvement and as with the last section, you would start enjoying since you’re mastering it. You could also see your progression and get some motivation.

Hope this helps you in trying to learn how to code in Roblox and of course, this logic can be applied in different skills as well!


Absolutely agree with the points on this post. Some additional things I would advise to a beginner would be to:

  • Apply what you have just learned. You should immediately take on a small project(s) to reinforce what you have learned. For instance, after getting the gist of tweening, create a UI where a button tweens a Frame into view, an intro screen that fades out, tweening models, etc.

  • Use AI and the documentations. While AI can explain more abstract concepts and answer all of your questions, it can sometimes be inaccurate or misinterpret your problem. Therefore, using the docs for knowing things such as different methods for a service, what an instance is for, etc, can still help a lot. I recommend bookmarking the docs onto whatever browser you’re using, and use both Chat GPT and the new Roblox Assistant.

  • Master the basics before other technologies. By technologies, I mean more advanced programming concepts as well as libraries. Make sure you can make your own data system before learning ProfileService, understand pcalls before using Promises, master a modular approach to things before learning OOP, or create a full game before learning the Knit framework.