How in the world do I make physics like that seen in the Super Mario Galaxy games?

I’m planning to make a game inspired by the Super Mario Galaxy games, but I’m stumped when it comes to making a working physics engine so you can run around on planets like in those games.

I’ve tried rotating the player down to the surface with CFrames and using Body Positions to keep the player moving to the center, but it ends up tripping the player and rocketing them into the void, as well as occasionally just yeeting them into the void, killing them instantly. And sometimes, this happened when moving under planets:

I’ve looked for solutions everywhere, but I can’t find any. Can someone help me? Thanks.

Note: I’m using R6 because I feel like it’s easier to use it when making platformer games, as the hitbox of R6 characters isn’t as wonky as the hitboxes that R15 characters have.


Worst comes to worst, you may be able to make a custom character in lieu of the Yeety Roblox one.

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I was using a custom character to test things during the time I was experimenting with the first solution I tried. Are you trying to say a custom scripted character that doesn’t use a humanoid?

If you wanted to stick with regular humanoids, you can move the world around the character instead of the character around the world. It’s a bit cheaty, but it works.


I’m currently working on a skateboarding game using animations instead of a real skateboard, and have been looking into ways to rotate the player relative to the terrain below to accomplish the ramp portion.

Have you seen these two games? Gravity controller is incredible. It has a section like a large ring with a ball on top. Walking on the ball is pretty much exactly like walking on the small planets in SMG. Both of these are open source.