How is possible to make swimming part?

i was wonder how is possible to make swim-able part in roblox studio like this one: City of Rolantis - Roblox
here is some example:
i am have to create BodyVelocity inside the player humanoid?


Image to show us what you mean or for quick example of what you want to achieve would be apperciated because I haven’t played this game in the past.

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i added example of that. (30 char)

AFAIK this is just flying but the underwater setting gives the illusion of swimming. So, with that in mind, the principles of flying would apply. You can look into some body movers or resources that allow you to fly to help look into how to go about accomplishing this.


i tried to do that but is no work

It does work, it’s just not ideal. You should do some research so you actually know what things do: from the HumanoidStateType you’re setting to not abusing loops like this (why do you have two nested loops anyway?). Flying is a whole separate movement system that will need much more work in depth.

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