How is the Cart Ride Around Nothing suspension made?

I am currently in the works of a cart ride with suspension, i have doodled a quick example of two of my suspension designs that didnt go two well, as they had kept shaking the cart.

As you can see the designs seem okay, however they do not work the same way as the suspension does in cart ride around nothing, here are some differences:

In game cart ride around nothing

By this video you can see that the suspension can also turn vertically, horizontally and bounces around however this doesnt make the cart fall off and glitch out etc. You get the point, if some one could doodle an image of how they think the suspension the developer has created that would be greatly appreciated. If not, reply with some of your ideas on how i could create it.

Please don’t post multiple times about the same topic. Fix cart ride cart shakyness?

Anyway. Your springs are not stiff enough.
Experiment with the Spring Force and Damping like I suggested before.

my apologies, so the 1st way i have made the suspension is okay?

It looks like a setup similar to this:

Make sure to set the springs to have the proper stiffness and damping based on the weight of the cart and stuff (trial and error).

You also might want to check out this resource by stravant:

Yes, just crank up the spring forces and adjust the damping value.
Don’t ask me how much because it all depends on your cart’s weight and other forces involved. You need to tune it by adjusting all the numbers.

hmm, sorry for the late response this looks good however im not sure what the torsion constraint looks like in game as the image only shows one side im not really sure how to set it up

where and how do i place the torsion and hinge?

from your image this is what ive made… i dont know how to setup the hindge and torsion

i have been trying to try your idea which probably works i jus todnt know what this is and how it looks like

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It looks like they might have changed how those are visualized, or maybe the one above has some different settings:

There should be a hinge to rotate the wheels side to side, then a torsion spring to keep the wheels level. The torsion spring does what a normal spring does linearly, but rotationally. So if you have a hinge between the two wheels so the cart can rock side to side, it would keep the hinge level.

You could also maybe replace that with two springs to either side of the hinge, but I think that would be less stable.

and the wheels are connected each side like this?

how did you make so theres only one attachment on the hinge

I was thinking the rotational spring could be between the two wheel’s axle and the cart:

The pink part is relative to the linear rod. The orange is the two wheels’ axle. The yellow is the torsion spring.

im not very good with constraints at all, this is all i can get up to, is this even correct?

You might need a second part in the wheel’s axle that holds still, then another that has the actual axle with the two wheel hinges. Try getting the rocking hinge working first, that should make it eaiser. Constraints aren’t a specialty of mine either

this is a rushed example of what i thnik youre doing, im not sure

the colors are to show the two different axels

not sure what you mean by linear rod, as in like a part? or is that a constraint?

okay is it okay if you summerise everything up as weve changed the constraints quite alot and then i should be okay with getting it done, and maybe a doodle if you want, entirely up to you though. Thanks

i am so confused, this is a video of me trying to understand what you mean…

I will simplify it for you.
A Hinge, a cylindrical, and two Springs is just enough.
Lay them out like this:

Then tweak the Cylindrical, something like this: