I’ve seen them in many games as a form of arrows that indicate you in what direction you should go (used for tutorials most of the time) making it very intuitive for the player.
I would like to know what tools I need to use in order to achieve this.
I believe it might be something simple I just don’t know how to do it.
Thank you!
How To Create The Effect
One way this is commonly done is using a beam; One attachment is the player, the other is destination that they should go to.
The first thing you need to do is make a local script with a beam to use as the template. For example:

Secondly, make a part for the destination goal. Add a attachment to it.

Now, to create a beam between the player and destination, simply set the attachments:
Local Script:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer --Current Player
local beam = script:WaitForChild("Beam"):Clone() --Create a clone of our template
local function pathToPart(beam, a0, part) --Function to make making paths easier
local a1 = part:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment")--Find the attachment in the part
if a1 then --If we found one, attach it
beam.Attachment0 = a0 --Set attachments
beam.Attachment1 = a1
else --If there isn't one, let the scripter know
warn("No attachment was inserted into "..part:GetFullName())
plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char)--Every time player respawns, connect beam again
local root = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") --Get humanoid root part
local a0 = root:WaitForChild("RootRigAttachment") --Wait for root rig attachment
pathToPart(beam, a0, workspace:WaitForChild("Part")) --Set attachments
beam.Parent = char --Parent the beam to the new character
Note that a ton of the properties of the beam can be changed to make the arrows look better or different.
Downloadable Demo
In case you didn’t want to read the above or felt like checking to see it works properly, click on the link below.
FollowBeamDemo.rbxl (16.4 KB)
Beautiful answer, thank you so much!
No problem, I like to give detailed responses to help people out. Glad you found it useful. If you have any more questions, feel free to continue the thread here or message me.