How is this kind of movement done?

How do i achieve this type of movement on a base part?
Any scripts? Tips?

IK makes the legs stay in place. Basically, you’d simply make a rig with IK legs and move the torso around.

How do i do an IK Rig on a BasePart?

Please describe your question in more detail. There are many answers to your question, depending on what exactly you mean.

I want to achieve that kind of movement shown in the video

What part of the movement shown in the video? Are you asking:

  • How can I smoothly move parts?
  • How can I create arbitrary animations on a linkage?
  • How can I have cyclical back and forth movement for a single part?
  • How can I position two sections of a leg to stretch from a base point to a target point?

That, How can I position two sections of a leg to stretch from a base point to a target point?.

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I knew this bookmark would come in handy someday!

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Are you creating an animation? If so, there are options to turn on Inverse Kinematics while creating your animation, as @Cubic_Ralsei said. Read the article on the wiki about animations.

Edit: Or if you’re trying to do procedural animation, you’ll need some math. @Blokav’s link will help :slight_smile: