How is this loading screen GUI?

So, I had a horrible loading screen so I decided to make a newer one. It includes an updates bar that shows the latest updates in the game (top TextLabel), game logo with a drop shadow, background simulates flashing police lights, and of course, the loading sign (bottom TextLabel).

How is it?

How did I do?
  • Very good :+1:
  • You could add a few more things :thinking:

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Comment below on what you think I should add! :yum:


Slow down the red and blur color flashing to make it look better and to not blind people!


Make the red and blue be separated by a vertical line instead of a horizontal one. Great job though.


I personally feel like having the game icon as a central image gives it a default Roblox feel. I love the idea, and I think you’ve performed it very well however I feel you would benefit more from having just the text title being in the middle to give it a different and more customised feel.

Also, this is just a random idea, but you could go into photoshop > get the game thumbnail > turn it black and white using hue/saturation > importing that into roblox and put it over the gradient, turning down the transparency of the image so the background image flashes red and blue.

Great work man!

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cause idiots, also @LMVM2041 nice loading screen

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