How it's done: Making "Shaders" (Extras)

Disclaimer: This topic will be about extra tricks to get shading that I found and are not important enough to be put in the main topic, but interesting to be mentioned here.
This topic will be updated with new ways to basically create your own shading.

If you want to know the basics of making “shaders” then I suggest you read the topics here:

Part 1


Hi there.
So I found out that you can basically invert the vertices of any object (as long as it is 3D-spaced) without using blender.
You just need to use CFrames to get that effect (works with cameras too).


script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame *,0,0,1/1*-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1) -- the cframe inverts the vertices because of "1/1*-1", thus giving a strange result.

-- the cframe itself was taken from another individual ("bluebxrrybot"), but since the original is using a sine wave to make a wobble effect; instead, i've modified it so it's at a static point (no more wobble effect).

Here is an example of it being used on a camera:

Hopefully, you can make really cool projects using features like these.
Remember to message me if you wanna show your stuff, or just reply, idc I’m tired.


Is it @bluebxrrybot???

It kind of sounds good, but I don’t think shaders are possible in Roblox for years


they are, you just need to abuse bugs be creative with how you use certain things


anyways I have a lack of creativity

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Well, that’s not a shader! This is simply just abusing a camera glitch.


but it can be used as an effect for a “shader”

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