How long do you need to make a game?

Hi, I’m BlackStarIndex. I’m currently making a game called site 51, for my corporation. This group was founded on the 31st of August, and my game hasn’t released yet as I spent a lot of time setting up and making sure developers have the right role.

  • 2 weeks
  • 1 month
  • 1-2 months
  • 2+ months

0 voters

I wonder how long it takes to make a game?


The time to create a game depends on a lot of factor. The map if necessary, the levels of the developers, the type of games and even more except that I could not name them all .

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Yea as @Med367367 said you can’t just afk for how long a game should take like that. You can make a bad tycoon in 1 week and a big game in 1 year

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Can’t really say how long the game will take because it is dependent on a variety of factors. That said most good games do take a long time to make, and usually take 2+ months. I’ve been working on my game for 5 months already, and it’s only 70% done.

Factors that affect how long the game will take includes:

-Number of developers that are working on the game
-How skilled, and experienced the developers are(quality work results in quality results which shortens the time needed for the project)
-What game you are making
-How motivated, and consistent the people are(without drive for the project, the project will basically never be done due to procrastination)


If you’re curious to know what my answer is? Click the blur part to reveal it :smile:

Answer: It depends

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Wow. Many people voted on 2+ months. I’ve been making my game with 3-5 other developers, and there’s a lot of stuff we have to make. From the layout of our site, to actually building it, then scripting the gun systems and anti-exploit. There’s a ton of work and I start to lose focus and play other games after a while. How can I deal with that?

Break it into little bits. Like by the end of this week we’re going to finish building the layout. Then at the end of this week we’re going to finish the guns. It can go much quicker if you’re in a dedicated dev team.

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It all depends on your goals for the game.

It’s very much possible to make a game in one day. Obviously the more time you spend on it the more refined the game will be.

It depends on how much I work. If I made my game about 2 hours a day, it would take me about a few months. If I spent 10 hours a day, I could make it in around 1 month.
For me, I spend around 3 hours on my game, and my new game is gonna take 5 months.
Do you mean from Begin developing - Release or do you mean Begin Developing - When most of the game is done, and its out of its BETA phase?

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Besides the obvious answer as “depending how much time you spend on working and how many people (if it is a team)” being productive means so much more.

If you can do something in 3 days what others do in 1.5 weeks, you can roughly say that you “spent” 1.5 weeks on the game. But you should make a reference point as to what your productivity line is.

But try to not push yourself, getting burned out is not fun.

As ScriptingSausage said.

Also, I use a calendar in Notion where I put all of my deadlines. Like, if by the end of this week I want to do this, I put it on Sunday as “Finished X thing” and every day of the week is selected as to what needs to be done for that.
“Monday: modeling and design of X, Tuesday - Half of Wednesday: Scripting Debugging etc”.

And if you can make it in shorter and shorter bits of information for you, even better. But be careful on not planning more than working. :sweat_smile:

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It can take a while depending on the models and scripts in game and also the amount and efficiency of people working on the game.

the biggest problem when making a game is MOTIVATION ITS SOOO HARD

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