How long does it take for a Gamepass Icon to be approved or declined?

Uploaded a gamepass Icon about 5 hours ago and still waiting.
Is this a normal thing to occur? Whenever I go to edit the gamepass, the Icon can be seen however on the actual buy page it’s the “Missing File” icon.

One of the problems could be you WiFi connection. Or there is a problem with the ROBLOX approval system. If it has an icon that looks like the “no entry” symbol it means it has been deleted. Also, if you already have a lot, it might not let you add another. I think it caps out around 10.
Hope this helped. :+1:
larryy98 (Chairman of Lucky Duck Studios)

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Ah this helps.
My internet is terribly slow due to living rural, so that’s probably the issue then.
Thank you! Marked as solution.

No problem! Glad I could help! Also, if it takes that long and WiFi isn’t the issue, just re-upload it.