How long does it takes to code a game style adopt me?

Hi guys, I was recently fired on a group, as a programmer, because “they didn’t see progress”, I’ve been for 1 month.
How long do you guys think a game like adopt me for a 1 scripter should take?
They expected me re-create adopt me in 2 months
Without telling me.


Adopt Me is a game worked on by a team with 30+ developers iirc. A small group with one scripter can’t just develop in 2 months a game similar to Adopt Me. A high-quality game needs to be worked on for at least 3-5+ months.


It should take around a month to make the map
And 2 months to design over 50 pets each of them having unique animations
And probably around 1-3 months to script the egg,pets and the game mechanics

So it should take around 4-6 months in total or more but that’s just my theory


I also think so because it takes a very long time to create a game like adopt me.


Adopt me is a game with a lot of extremely skilled developers, and way to much money to pay them.
Even then, it took them about a year to make Adopt Me, so that group already has something wrong, plus they wanted you to re-create adopt me? Sounds like a group that scams kids for their passwords,
and then makes the soulless account into a bot, that links the game in groups, getting more kids accounts.

You should probably report them if they’re copying adopt me for who know what, and you should be payed for any work.


I’m gonna be honest, for me, it would take:
Map: 2-20 days
Scripting: 1-2 days
(I am pretty fast scripter lol)

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Hello @varjoy!

Adopt me is a massive game with a ton of scripters.

2 months to recreate Adopt Me is a joke, with the amount of scripting involved I believe that might take at least 5 months.

Honestly, I’d move on from that group as they clearly have no idea how long this kid of stuff takes and clearly treated their developers badly.


It’ll take a while, and if you and, unless you have every single skill of development, it’ll lack in looks.


I had to also do a lot of stuff.
I mean, game’s work, interaction, well pets, football ball works,wonderland,setting up doors,day night, minigames,building system,ai modules,setting up the models, setting up the UI’s ,making water gun,making the direction arrow for kids,making the vehicles at the start, doors entering,park games

i didn’t only had to script
i had to set up a lot of stuff, UI’s Builds, lookvectors on doors.

I also just had to make furniture shop.
I actually could re-create adopt me, I just had to finish the building system, a few quests and done.
I am impressed of myself.


Most likely 3+ years with such a small team to be realistic here.


Recreating a game like Adopt Me will take a great amount of time and effort. Dozens of people have worked on Adopt Me over the past 3 years and it’s not something that can easily be recreated in 2 months.


logically: 20 years

Opinion: 2-3 years
The official adopt me game took 3 years to get to where it is today. But you also have to include that they are not working on it all the time, which will put you down to 2 years. Im guessing they have like 5 really advanced scripters. So that will probably honestly take you 20 years if im being honest. My guess is maybe 2-3 years at the least.


A team of 30+ users working in several fields to bring the project together and 3+ years (I believe this is correct?) running. No one should be kidding themselves by thinking they can handle a 1:1 or better scale in less time; and even if you can get close enough, it certainly isn’t the same fundamentally, especially if you are alone.

I think you should be more focused on this notion of “no progress” rather than asking how long it’d take to make a game like Adopt Me. You could actually be showing no progress, we have no way of knowing because you didn’t expand upon that or show any of your progress on the thread. Likewise, you could’ve just ran into employers that incorporate toxic business culture like expecting a whole lot in little time.


Hhaam I showed progress, but they expected me to script adopt me in like half and hour, people don’t know that scriptings takes time

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I would say probably a long time. Adopt Me has been in the works for about a year I think and with all the pet scripts and different parts of the map, it could very well take a long time.


Adopt Me has 30+ devleopers working every day on that game. From a scripting prespective, think about it like this. They had to code the following systems, and I honestly think this would take longer than one month:

A furniture placement system
Pet animation and location system
Complex data saving
A family system
A happiness and needs system for pets

And that just scratches the surface. Honestly, you shouldn’t have worked for those guys in the first place, as they are clearly idiots who don’t have what it takes to create a full fledged game.

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Adopt me took 4 years to get where it is with a lot of staff, 2 months is a joke like Star said.

People who think that it would take a few months to a year to develop a game like Adopt Me are deluded or think way too highly of themselves.

Adopt Me! has backend developers, advanced scripters, QA testers, and has been in development for years now. To develop a game on their level, including map functionality, continuous bug fixes/patches around the clock, and regular updates…realistically speaking no one would be able to catch up to them, and no one probably will ever be able too.

The most someone could compare themselves to programming-wise to Adopt Me is probably having a good amount of scripting knowledge as one of their programmers. But to think you can put as much work in as Adopt Me in a few months is comical.

Someone could perhaps make a game similar to Adopt Me! but they’d just be 2nd rate at best.

adopt me has A whole crew working on it, if only one person had to make adopt me then here is what would go down:

  1. Building the map would take unbelievably long, around a month

  2. Scripting wouldn’t usually take that long, but because it’s Adopt Me it would take around 4 weeks

  3. Modeling would take around 5 weeks, since you have to create models for all of the pets

  4. Making the UI would take around 2 weeks, because you’d have to paint a lot of images using third party apps

so overall it would take around 3-4 months to create a game like adopt me


Ok, first off: Were you paid? If not, then you’re in luck. You can easily ask them for the assets back and if they decline, report them to a Roblox mod and get your assets back.

Second, you should never have worked for them in the first place. Anyone who expects a person to recreate any type of advanced game in a short amount of time is crazy. This should have been a red flag when you heard.

Third, you made quite a lot of these systems and you could probably commission them for robux to at least get something out of your hard work.

R0bl0x10501050 (written from alt)

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