How long should I run ads to gain a steady player base

I was wondering how much would I need to spend to get a good concurrent player base.
I’ve spent 4k on ads which gave me these results

I’m still pretty knew to this advertising so I’m wondering if keeping this up for maybe 2 weeks or more would be enough to get a steady player base and if not what should I do instead

Game Link: [XBOX SUPPORT] Pillow Mayhem - Roblox


It’s unfortunate to say, but 4k won’t do you much good. Unless your game is god-tier and easily addictive, you’ll need a far larger funding pool. Roughly about 50-80k. The objective is to get a mass flood of players, this raises your chances of people coming back to play again.

Does that mean I need 50k-80k per day? or just 50-80k on one ad

No, I’d say a good metric is 50K ads a week. Generally if you want steady growth, you should start making an ad schedule. Run ads every week, at 25k a pop. That’s a good starting number in my opinion, other game makers might suggest different.

10K a day for 2-5 weeks and your game will achieve total independence.
By the way, your CPC is good, but CPP is terrible. So get better thumbnails/trailers and desc.

Is it possible to achieve independence with a budget of 38k

Honestly depends, even if you’re very very lucky, with 38K you got 38K players who each played averagely 4 time, which is 152K visits, it’ll get your game on the search result bar, and maybe featured a few times in recommendations, but that’s really all. So depends means no. Unless if your game is educational, then it’s indeed possible.