How long should I work on my game for?

I am making a game and on average I am working on it for 1 hour a day. I have been working on it for about a month now. How long should It take to complete a game?


There is no way for us to know. We do not have any information of your game detail level, game genre and how complex is the scripting and so it’s impossible to know. Even if you gave us all that information it’s still a completely relative information.


Well it comes down to what type of game you are making, if it’s only 1 hour a day, you probably aren’t making any progression at all. If you were to provide more details on to what exact genre and theme you are developing, I could give a better estimate.


That’s a very broad question. When developers say that they’ve been working on their game for 6 months, 2 years, etc. it’s probably true. However, it doesn’t mean you need to do that. In a very unlikely scenario, you and 100 of the best skilled developers could make the same quality game in less time than it took another game with less developers to make.

There are several factors that come into play, and one of them is you. If you have time to work on your game, do that. However, try to make consistent progress to keep it flowing. If you rely too much on finishing your game in 6 months, you could take two routes:

  • You may underestimate how short that is for your game development, and fail to keep up as you felt comforted by how long away it seemed.
  • You may overestimate how long that was for your game development and delay your game’s launch for ages just to launch at a time that other developers have done, so that you can be considered similar to them.

Just because your game took less time, or more time doesn’t mean that it’s any worse/better than the others. You could plan a strategy game plan for where you want to be in x weeks, and you should get a clearer picture of how long it should take, opposed to just saying: “6 months is the sweet spot”

tl;dr it can vary, just focus on developing it. quality will tell if your game was rushed or done well, not time taken.



First of all, that’s up to you.

We’re on a platform, full of talented developers, that imagine, create and publish, which means that you shouldn’t care about the time it takes to finish a game.

Quality over quantity is what we all say. If you’re too rushed and too fast with the game, people will notice and see that.

I’d recommend work on it when you have time, make up an schedule or keep the current one you have, and take yourself time, to detail everything as much as possible, but not too much. Make your game something unique and special.


It depends on how ambitious your work is. You need to give more info about what you’re making. However, there are some factors that can determine how long it will take to finish your game.
Here are some of the factors:
3.Team size
All of these can affect the duration it takes to complete your game. You could provide more details so people can predict the time given for your project to be finished.

It really really depends on the game and we have no information on anything so I can’t really give you an estimate.

Depends upon your skills, for example we dont know how much progress you do in an hour so its variable.

If 1 hour isnt working make a to-do list and only check things in the to-do list and work for 2 hours or more.

There is also an amazing article by @RuizuKun_Dev if you are not able to focus in the given time.

It depends on the type of game, if it’s a obby or simulator then maybe you could accomplish something in an hour but if it’s a massive RPG then you likely can’t accomplish much. It also depends on how skilled you are with studio.

As long as you want.

It does not matter how long you spend on your game, after all it is upto you to decide when you think your game has reached its max potential in terms of it being completely finished and ready to be released. As you keep on developing and creating more games, you will eventually get faster at making them. However, it does also depend on the type of game as somebody already mentioned.