How make a client to ignore changes for specific instances in the server?

How make a client to ignore changes for specific instances in the server?

I want to make a player’s character and the charcacter’s folder to ignore changes in the server.
for example:

--In local
--In Server
--In Local
print(chr.Values:GetAttribute("ChrTimeScale")) --> 4, not 2.5, it's not affected by server changes
--In other clients
print(chr.Values:GetAttribute("ChrTimeScale")) --> 2.5, it's affected by server changes
--In local
--In Server
--In Local
print(chr.PrimaryPart.Position) --> 0,5,0 , not 100,5,-500
--In other clients
print(chr.PrimaryPart.Position) --> 100,5,-500

This is not currently possible. Anything that is changed in a replicated service will get replicated to the client.

It wouldn’t be very efficient, but if it was for a very low amount of instances you could simply use GetPropertyChangedSignal on each property you don’t want to be saved, then simply revert it back to the old property on a local script. I don’t really know how what you are asking can be done well, but this is my solution for it.