How Make a obby wrecking ball

Does Obby’s destruction ball use Tween to make it sway, and does it need to give the player a force when it touches the player

Tween an anchored Part as the pivot of the wrecking ball.
Weld all the other unanchored Parts of the wrecking ball to the pivot.
Make the ball have a high Density.

Physics will create the force. A Dense Part moving quickly will push a player.

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Where should I set the density

Experiment with it first.
I can’t say what will work for your case.

Hello, I tried it out and the ball hit the player, but the player didn’t fly out
This is my code
local Tween = TweenService:Create(part,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{CFrame = part.CFrame *CFrame.Angles(math.rad(60),0,0)})
local Tween1 = TweenService:Create(part,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{CFrame = part.CFrame *CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60),0,0)})

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But we’re not worried about the tweening of the ball are we. That works.

(Also, when putting code here type 3 backticks before your pasted code, and 3 backticks after it so it formats properly here.)

Did you experiment with the Density of the wrecking ball?
You didn’t say how high you set the Density. Also, how big is the wrecking ball and how fast is it moving when it hits the player?

I set the density to 50, Size= 7,7,7,The player’s speed is 16

Does the ball swing through the player?
Are you trying it as soon as the place runs in Studio? Physics takes a few seconds to start up when testing. Try waiting 10 seconds or so after everything loads in visually and then getting hit by the wrecking ball.

I waited for a while and tested it. Sometimes it passes through the player, but the ball’s force on the player is almost negligible