How make player not able move while use a spell?

I made spell from my game, a blaster, but i have a problem, when player Fire the skill i anchor the player on server, so i create the Skill hitbox on server based on the HumanoidRootPart CFrame, but have a problem when player jump and fire the skill

That is player on client

That is on server

So the Skill Hitbox will appear on the wrong place

Why is the server anchoring the client’s rootpart? This will cause players with poor connections to teleport a few units back in sync with the server.

Set the Humanoid’s walkspeed to 0, jumppower to 0, and autorotate to false while they are firing the skill- this can all be done clientside.

yeah, so a exploit will change everthing

Exploiters can bypass this what so ever, you shouldn’t worry too much as you have no control in this case. Then it would be better to avoid this at all (if you’re worried a few exploiters can abuse it.)