How make profit through sponsoring

How are you supposed to make profit of off sponsoring and advertising games?
It seems to me that you need an amazing game. With my game, I made a little bit over 1 robux per player that played, which might not be great, but I have heard its decent. After running sponsorships, my cost per play was 4.4 robux. So, I would need to make 4.4 robux per player that plays my game to break even?

That seems incredibly difficult, and makes me wonder, is the only way to make some form of profit through sponsoring by having an incredibly good game?

Is my game just not good enough, or are sponsorships rarely worth it?


Pretty much any advertisement/sponsor less than 10k Robux is a waste, and have a good thumbnail or advertisement banner.

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How much should I spend to test my game out? Should I spend 10k and see how it does? I tested my game today with 3k, and it got around 1.1k visits and made around 1.1k robux. I don’t really care if I lose some robux, I just want to try and have a stable player count.

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This is why Premium payouts was created. Games doing well get a extra boost as in revenue from Premium payouts. Game passes are good source of profit, advertising it in game will help attract players.

The way I see it is you need a good player base, selected audience, people would play the game for days. Sponsoring your game is good, but its about the content in game.

Few months ago I was “supposed” to be the marketing manager for “Mineverse”. The game was dying. 1 week later a new players kept playing, they came from sponsorship.

What you need start getting revenue or profit is

  • Good game content
    • Updating the game, stay in touch with player base
  • Building a community
  • Player base aka audience of players
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Well, go around the community ask questions, ask people about what you can add to your game and ask people about what you can make better or change. and spend 10k on a single ad for a day, see how it works out, if it works out good spend 20k, and so on.

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If it doesn’t come out profitable then what should I do? Continue working on the game? If I have already added everything good then do I scrap the whole game? And should I spend 10k on a sponsorship or on ads?

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My highest bid was 400 Robux and I usually get 8 Robux a week from shirts and gamepasses.

Continue working on making it better, hire a game designer, hire developers, investors, etc. but if the ad fails dont spend anymore on ad’s until you’ve made the game better


8 robux a week isnt the best for 400 robux if you havent made what you spent on the ad back in at least a week then you lost profit

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But my games aren’t heavily monetized. I just want to grow my community.

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If you want to grow a community then you’re going the right way but if you advertise too much and don’t make Robux back you’re gonna drain your Robux fast.


I think I advertise too little. I’ve advertised 5 times over my whole developing career and I’ve been developing for 2 years now. And with my small amount of Robux to advertise, I usually end up getting zero profits from the ad or sponsor.

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