How many ad credit is needed to get about 2-5 players to play my game?

My game isn’t finished yet, but I wanted to get some feedback on the overall gameplay by running ads tomorrow to see if 2-3 players enjoy it or if improvements are needed.

Right now, I can only afford 10 ad credits (soon 20, but that’s my limit for a while unless the ads actually generate some Robux). I’ve heard that lifetime credit isn’t recommended, so I’m wondering—do I really have to spend a minimum of 10 ad credits? That seems pretty expensive since I’d only be able to run 2 ads. The whole ad system feels unclear, and I haven’t seen much discussion on how much to spend when you’re low on Robux.

Thanks in advance!

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The minimum budget to run a campaign is 20 credits anyway. If you just need 2 - 3 players I am sure you can ask in a forum section (where you can post your game link) for some people to test play your game for free.

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Ohh I didn’t know there was a section in which you could do that, thank you for the reply!

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