How many datastore keys can i use

Hello guys so i am creating a game and concerned that if i use too much datastore keys it will throttle the datastore, what i mean by datastore keys is this, I am planning to use about 4 keys is that bad or good

You can use as many as you want. Roblox pays for the database so you don’t have to worry about using too many or having to pay anything to use it.

no i am worried about the throttling when the player leaves

Take a look in Server Limits category in Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Using 4 keys is absolutely fine, just dont update it under every 30 seconds if you have a lot of people in a single server

how can i update it every 30 seconds

Sorry I forgot to add “dont” in the above sentence, what I meant was to not update the keys under 30 seconds, just to be on the safe side

But if you’re only saving it when the player leaves then you dont need to worry about it

is 10 players good or can i do 20

The datastore limit for updateasync or setasync is 60 + number of players x 10

So in your case you can send upto 60 + 20 Ă— 10 = 260 requests.

So, yes 20 player server would be fine

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So in my case, I am developing a survival sandbox game like minecraft using roblox terrain. Despite the compression methods like compressing grids, repetitive blocks and then strings I am worried players will reach 4 mb of world data quite fast enough. The data would be updated from time to time if allowed and when clicked to save. 4 keys would be good right? I was even planning on making one key limit the default for a player world and then he has to pay a bit of robux to unlock more world data: starts with 4mb (about 400-300thousand blocks could be saved) and then he can pay up to three times to increase 4mb, resulting in about 1,6-1,2 million world changes.

(Actually I think way more can be saved so i might not even have a problem, but that would leave me extra keys for backups/extra saves they might want to make.)

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